
Zvonku extravagancia, zvnútra kvalita. Metropolis je vo finálnej rovinke, odhaľuje definitívnu podobu
Extravagance on the Outside, Quality on the Inside. Metropolis is in the Final Straight, Revealing its Definitive Form
Inside the Capital M Projects in Bratislava's downtown differ from each other in shape, architecture or height, but they have something in common: they are massive. Sometimes it can be seen from close...
Metropolis prináša do Bratislavy kus Paríža či Londýna
Metropolis Brings a Piece of Paris or London to Bratislava
Metropolis is an Architectural kiss of life on the face of the City Bratislava's downtown is taking shape as a modern neighborhood that enables healthy, efficient, and ecological life. Although many c...
Realitný trh je veľmi cyklický. Pre úspech projektu treba investície správne načasovať.
The real estate market is strongly cyclical A project’s success depends on timing the investment right.
The current situation on the real estate market is not the most favourable for developers. Can times of crisis provide opportunities for successful projects? Today, developers are faced with higher in...
Bývanie v downtowne, ktoré mení pravidlá hry
Game changing home in the downtown
Metropolis brings a new dimension of urban living and working to Bratislava. Its parameters and amenities make it a new landmark in the city and a home for those looking for luxurious and comfortable...
Eko-šik v srdci Európy: Bratislava má svoj Metropolis!
Eco-chic in the heart of Europe: Bratislava has its Metropolis!
The developer Mint Investments is going full throttle and promises a revolution in housing with Metropolis, which is just bursting with green energy! Working with the ambition to achieve an A0 energy...
Odborníčka na nehnuteľnosti radí: Pri kúpe bytu nebuďte skromní
Advice from a real estate expert: Don’t skimp when buying an apartment
Currently, downtown Bratislava boasts some of the most desirable properties in the Slovak real estate market. Metropolis has not only met this bar, it has surpassed it. Its residential part is already...
Budujte svoj úspech v downtowne už dnes: Metropolis vyberá majiteľov 16 lukratívnych prevádzok
Build your downtown success today: Metropolis selects owners of 16 lucrative establishments
Give your clients a feeling of excellence Downtown, with its creditworthy clientele and the most modern urban centre in Central Europe, is regarded as the premier address for
Miesto, kde je úspech podnikania zaručený
Where location guarantees success
Metropolis, developed by Mint Investments, not only captivates with its distinctive M-shaped structure but also sets the highest standards in housing and services, attracting discerning residents and...
Dnes musí mať developer víziu. Uniformné paneláky sú pasé, na bývaní si dávame záležať
Developers today need vision. Uniform prefab apartment blocks are out; we now care about housing.
A new definition of luxuryMetropolis in Bratislava’s new downtown epitomises modern living in the city’s emerging centre. Thanks to its prime location and state-of-the-art technology, it offers reside...
Metropolis mení pohľad na bývanie v Bratislave
Metropolis is changing the view of housing in Bratislava
The name of the project was inspired by the first science fiction film from 1927, where Metropolis is portrayed as a futuristic city. The Bratislava Downtown residential project captures this essence...