
Nový trend v Bratislave a okolí: Ľudia predávajú domy a sťahujú sa do nového centra mesta
New Trend in Bratislava and Surrounding Areas: People Are Selling Houses and Moving to the New City Center
While many young families dream of owning a house, over the years, situations change. When children grow up and move into their own homes, a house can suddenly feel empty. Maintaining it becomes incre...
Obchodné priestory v Bratislave? Na tejto adrese vybudujete úspešný biznis
Commercial Spaces in Bratislava? Build Your Successful Business at This Address
A Place for Long-Term Business Metropolis is situated right in the heart of the new downtown, along the only main street that will be here. There will be more than 4,000 apartments, in its immediate v...
Osvetlenie v projekte Metropolis: Dizajn a funkčnosť v harmónii
Lighting in the Metropolis Project: Design and Functionality in Harmony
Architect Mirka Gašparová from Compass Architects considered every detail when choosing the lighting for the apartments in Metropolis. It wasn’t only about illuminating the rooms effectively but also...
Moderná dominanta bratislavského downtownu v plnej kráse
The Modern Landmark of Bratislava’s Downtown in Full Glory
A Modern Urban Symbol From its inception, the Metropolis project has attracted considerable attention. It is an architecturally striking structure that stands out for its modern aesthetics and techni...
Elegancia a inteligentné riešenia: Pozrite si 2-izbový byt v Metropolise
Elegance and Smart Solutions: Discover the 2-Bedroom Apartment in Metropolis
Elegant and Airy Design Upon entering the 2-bedroom apartment, it becomes immediately clear that the interior design focuses on clean lines, spaciousness, and a well-lit atmosphere. The open concept t...
3-izbový byt v Metropolise: Moderný a vzdušný dizajn
3-bedroom apartment in Metropolis: Modern and airy design
Airy Design and Modern Urban Feel As soon as you enter the apartment, you are immediately struck by its airy design and the gentle curved elements that flow throughout the space. Thanks to this style,...
Ako zariadiť modernú a útulnú spálňu
How to Create a Modern and Cozy Bedroom
Modern Materials: Quality and SustainabilityIn contemporary bedrooms, natural materials dominate, bringing warmth and timelessness to the space. Among the most popular are wood, stone, and linen. Ston...
Metropolis: Nový symbol bratislavského downtownu
Metropolis: A New Symbol of Bratislava's Downtown
The Metropolis building in Bratislava's modern center is hard to miss, particularly due to its striking design. What qualities does it offer beyond its modern architecture? It is a timeless building...
Tento byt by chcel každý. Ako sa býva v najmodernejšej novostavbe?
Anyone would want this apartment. How is to live in a state-of-the-art new build?
The Metropolis project in Bratislava’s downtown ranks among the top quality new built locations in Bratislava thanks to its architecture and technological equipment alone. The use approval process is...
Bratislavský Metropolis si vyberá. Obchodné priestory nepredá hocikomu
Bratislava Metropolis choose. They will not Sell their Business Premises to Anyone
Interested Parties are Carefully Selected The project also wants to maintain its high standard in terms of commercial premises. They are part of the main promenade that will lead through downtown. The...