
Budujte svoj úspech v downtowne už dnes: Metropolis vyberá majiteľov 16 lukratívnych prevádzok
Build your downtown success today: Metropolis selects owners of 16 lucrative establishments
Give your clients a feeling of excellence Downtown, with its creditworthy clientele and the most modern urban centre in Central Europe, is regarded as the premier address for
Miesto, kde je úspech podnikania zaručený
Where location guarantees success
Metropolis, developed by Mint Investments, not only captivates with its distinctive M-shaped structure but also sets the highest standards in housing and services, attracting discerning residents and...
Dnes musí mať developer víziu. Uniformné paneláky sú pasé, na bývaní si dávame záležať
Developers today need vision. Uniform prefab apartment blocks are out; we now care about housing.
A new definition of luxuryMetropolis in Bratislava’s new downtown epitomises modern living in the city’s emerging centre. Thanks to its prime location and state-of-the-art technology, it offers reside...
Metropolis mení pohľad na bývanie v Bratislave
Metropolis is changing the view of housing in Bratislava
The name of the project was inspired by the first science fiction film from 1927, where Metropolis is portrayed as a futuristic city. The Bratislava Downtown residential project captures this essence...
Najmodernejšie bývanie uprostred Bratislavy
State-of-the-art housing in the heart of Bratislava
Even the smallest units include external shading remotely controlled via a mobile app, autonomous recuperation capturing up to 94% of dirt, dust, and pollen, aluminium French windows, three-layer all-...
Viete, ako spoznať kvalitnú novostavbu a ísť pri kúpe na istotu?
Finding quality and certainty in Bratislava’s new-build market
The key to making a sound decision comes down to appreciating the quality of the apartment – the craftsmanship, materials, and technology that will preserve and raise the property’s value over time. Q...
V Bratislave vyrastá projekt budúcnosti. Oslovuje kupujúcich s víziou, ktorí si uvedomujú zmysel zásadných hodnôt. Tými sú zdravie a čas
Bratislava has a project of the future rising in its midst. Buyers aware of importance of core values like health and time are attracted to its vision.
A project you cannot overlook in Bratislava. Two iconic towers have been built close to the centre, bringing, in addition to high standards in the materials used, state-of-the-art technology seldom se...
Mint Investments: Rezidenčný projekt Metropolis urobí z bývania zážitok
Mint Investments: Discover the Future of Living at Metropolis
Metropolis has been progressively growing. What milestone in its construction has recently been reached? Metropolis’s shell has been completed, all waterproofing and windows have been fitted. The proj...
Najdrahšia novostavba v Bratislave ponúka top technológie: Za koľko v nej kúpite byt?
Bratislava’s most expensive new-build boasts cutting-edge technology. How much does an apartment there cost?
Two thirds soldOf the 292 apartments on offer, 65% have already found their new owners, with the priciest one selling for around €1.7 million. Sales commenced in November 2020.
Keď sa rast cien vráti, bude ešte vyšší, ako ľudia očakávajú, hovorí developer Metropolisu
When price growth returns, it will surpass expectations, says Metropolis developer
In the world of comics, “Metropolis” is the city that is home to Superman, his allies, and his enemies. Today it takes on a new meaning – a landmark residential project in Bratislava. In the Downtown...