
Metropolis mení pohľad na bývanie v Bratislave
Metropolis is changing the view of housing in Bratislava
The name of the project was inspired by the first science fiction film from 1927, where Metropolis is portrayed as a futuristic city. The Bratislava Downtown residential project captures this essence...
Chcel sa živiť hudbou, no odhovoril ho známy muzikant. Dnes je z neho úspešný architekt
A famous musician talked him out of pursuing a career in music. Instead, he became a successful architect
Downtown enthusiasm You authored the design for the Metropolis project, which is currently under construction in our capital. Is Bratislava ready for such architecture? Absolutely. Bratislava is consi...
Investičný riaditeľ Mint Investments pre HN: Najluxusnejšie byty v Metropolise sú porovnateľné s cenami v Eurovea 2
Investment director of Mint Investments for HN: The most luxurious Metropolis apartments are comparable to prices in Eurovea 2
How is the Metropolis project progressing? The project is progressing according to plan. Today we are between the eighth and ninth floors above ground, with one floor being concreted about every three...
Pri kúpe bytu ľudia zvažujú aj to, či si majú kam dať vianočný stromček
When buying an apartment, people also consider whether they have a place to put up their Christmas tree
Construction elements and layout are decisive for apartment buyers, according to a survey by Herrys real estate agency. As many as 83% of respondents opted for this preference, stating that the interi...
S. Dejanovski: Metropolis ostáva bez inflačnej doložky
Sebastien Dejanovski: Metropolis stays without any inflation clause
The Metropolis project will bring 298 residential units to Bratislava’s new centre. Its construction began in May 2021 and has currently reached the fourth above-ground storey. Construction is progres...
Výstavba ikonického Metropolisu napreduje, na výstavbe už pracuje Takenaka
Another level up for the iconic Metropolis project as Takenaka starts construction
The highly respected firm Takaneka began structural work as soon as Metrostav handed over the foundation plate for Metropolis. Monolithic concrete parts are being cast by the Slovak company Moniers, w...
Každý kúsok zelene v meste má veľký význam
Every bit of greenery in the city is of great importance
The trend is green development Compared to past developments, modern development projects now feature, an ever-increasing emphasis on green areas, which are becoming part of the projects. On top of th...
Riešenia pre zdravú klímu v projekte Metropolis prináša nemecký špecialista na vetracie systémy - WOLF
Solutions for a healthy climate in the Metropolis project brought by the German ventilation systems specialist – WOLF
Every day, an average of 10 000 – 12 000 litres of air passes through a person’s lungs and its quality is highly important for human health. The air around us indoors is often more polluted than the a...
Realitný trh čakajú v roku 2022 viaceré výzvy. Kľúčové bude správne načasovanie a schopnosť napredovať
The real estate market faces several challenges in 2022. The right timing and ability to move ahead will be crucial
Inflation and price growth As with every year, 2022 is full of uncertainties. This year, though, is more different for our generation in that we are seeing the return of inflation*, something that mos...