
Budujte svoj úspech v downtowne už dnes: Metropolis vyberá majiteľov 16 lukratívnych prevádzok
Build your downtown success today: Metropolis selects owners of 16 lucrative establishments
Give your clients a feeling of excellence Downtown, with its creditworthy clientele and the most modern urban centre in Central Europe, is regarded as the premier address for
Miesto, kde je úspech podnikania zaručený
Where location guarantees success
Metropolis, developed by Mint Investments, not only captivates with its distinctive M-shaped structure but also sets the highest standards in housing and services, attracting discerning residents and...
Najmodernejšie bývanie uprostred Bratislavy
State-of-the-art housing in the heart of Bratislava
Even the smallest units include external shading remotely controlled via a mobile app, autonomous recuperation capturing up to 94% of dirt, dust, and pollen, aluminium French windows, three-layer all-...
Viete, ako spoznať kvalitnú novostavbu a ísť pri kúpe na istotu?
Finding quality and certainty in Bratislava’s new-build market
The key to making a sound decision comes down to appreciating the quality of the apartment – the craftsmanship, materials, and technology that will preserve and raise the property’s value over time. Q...
Metropolis je projekt, s ktorým večer zaspávame a ráno sa zobúdzame
Metropolis is a project that is with us day and night
Miriam, David, what makes Metropolis special for you and what is your role in the project? Miriam: I am on the project as a civil engineer and my background is monolithic, masonry and other rough con...
Sebastien Dejanovski: Udržateľnosť je schopnosť robiť biznis tak, aby dlhodobo prinášal prospech všetkým zúčastneným
Sebastien Dejanovski: Sustainability is the ability to do business so that it brings long-term benefits to all stakeholders
Mint Investments Group has successful track record stretching back over 20 years in asset management, property management and development. It has implemented a number of successful development project...
Metropolis je projektom, ktorý prináša to najlepšie pre rodinné bývanie.
Metropolis makes your family’s dream of perfect living a reality
Clients of Metropolis especially appreciate the layout of its 3-room apartments oriented on two cardinal points, ensuring plenty of daylight. Families with children will enjoy the spacious interior, d...
Investičný riaditeľ Mint Investments pre HN: Najluxusnejšie byty v Metropolise sú porovnateľné s cenami v Eurovea 2
Investment director of Mint Investments for HN: The most luxurious Metropolis apartments are comparable to prices in Eurovea 2
How is the Metropolis project progressing? The project is progressing according to plan. Today we are between the eighth and ninth floors above ground, with one floor being concreted about every three...
Pri kúpe bytu ľudia zvažujú aj to, či si majú kam dať vianočný stromček
When buying an apartment, people also consider whether they have a place to put up their Christmas tree
Construction elements and layout are decisive for apartment buyers, according to a survey by Herrys real estate agency. As many as 83% of respondents opted for this preference, stating that the interi...
Metropolis má výnimočnú starostlivosť. Na kvalitu výstavby dohliada tím Grinity
Metropolis is in exceptionally safe hands. Construction quality is being overseen by Grinity
What does investor’s technical supervision involve in the Metropolis project and what benefits does it offer? Investor’s technical supervision monitors the quality of construction work, its conformit...