
Tento byt by chcel každý. Ako sa býva v najmodernejšej novostavbe?
Anyone would want this apartment. How is to live in a state-of-the-art new build?
The Metropolis project in Bratislava’s downtown ranks among the top quality new built locations in Bratislava thanks to its architecture and technological equipment alone. The use approval process is...
Metropolis prináša do Bratislavy kus Paríža či Londýna
Metropolis Brings a Piece of Paris or London to Bratislava
Metropolis is an Architectural kiss of life on the face of the City Bratislava's downtown is taking shape as a modern neighborhood that enables healthy, efficient, and ecological life. Although many c...
Bývanie v downtowne, ktoré mení pravidlá hry
Game changing home in the downtown
Metropolis brings a new dimension of urban living and working to Bratislava. Its parameters and amenities make it a new landmark in the city and a home for those looking for luxurious and comfortable...
Metropolis je projektom, ktorý prináša to najlepšie pre rodinné bývanie.
Metropolis makes your family’s dream of perfect living a reality
Clients of Metropolis especially appreciate the layout of its 3-room apartments oriented on two cardinal points, ensuring plenty of daylight. Families with children will enjoy the spacious interior, d...
Investičný riaditeľ Mint Investments pre HN: Najluxusnejšie byty v Metropolise sú porovnateľné s cenami v Eurovea 2
Investment director of Mint Investments for HN: The most luxurious Metropolis apartments are comparable to prices in Eurovea 2
How is the Metropolis project progressing? The project is progressing according to plan. Today we are between the eighth and ninth floors above ground, with one floor being concreted about every three...
Šťastná náhoda existuje, ale človek musí byť pripravený
Lucky accidents can happen if you’re ready for them
Katarína, you’ve been working with investments all your life. Which was the most important one for you and why? It is definitely investment in education. Especially the energy and time that I investe...
S. Dejanovski: Metropolis ostáva bez inflačnej doložky
Sebastien Dejanovski: Metropolis stays without any inflation clause
The Metropolis project will bring 298 residential units to Bratislava’s new centre. Its construction began in May 2021 and has currently reached the fourth above-ground storey. Construction is progres...
Každý kúsok zelene v meste má veľký význam
Every bit of greenery in the city is of great importance
The trend is green development Compared to past developments, modern development projects now feature, an ever-increasing emphasis on green areas, which are becoming part of the projects. On top of th...
Dôležité je pochopiť hodnotu daného miesta,  či už historickú, architektonickú, urbanistickú  a pretaviť ju do novej architektúry
It is important to understand the value of a place, whether historical, architectural, urban, and then recast it into the new architecture
What should it look like in the future and what functions should modern architecture designed for modern living in a city like Bratislava have? Sebastien: Architecture has always been and is a reflect...